General Donations
All gifts of any amount will be most welcome and can be made directly through this website; through one of our officers or volunteer helpers or by sending a cheque made out to BIMC. You can also set up a regular gift.
Regular Giving (standing orders) and One-off Donations (by post)
If you wish to set up a regular gift via standing order, or you want to send a one-off gift via cheque, please download and print our paper Donation Form.
Please send the completed form to: The Bromsgrove International Musicians' Competition c/o Mrs B Needham, Bromsgrove School, Worcester Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 7DU.
Online Donations
If you would prefer to make an online donation, please click here or the button below.
Alternatively, scan the QR code on your phone to be taken directly to our Paypal donation site.