2017 Competition
The 2017 Competition was held from 4th to 8th April; again generously hosted by Bromsgrove School. In the Preliminary Round 51 competitors from 108 who had applied were auditioned; 12 were selected to play in the Semi-Final on 7th April. The Finalists’ Concert was held at 7.00 p.m. on Sunday 8th April, and the result was as follows:
1st Prize (£6,000)
Emily Sun (violin)
Finalist Prize (£3,000)
Wyn Chan (piano)
Finalist Prize (£3,000)
Wayne Kwon (cello)
Sir John Manduell Prize (£1,000) for the best performance of a work composed since 1950:
Dominic Degavino (piano)
Accompanist’s Prize
(£500) Hayley Parkes

Emily Sun

Wyn Chan

Waynne Kwon

Dominic Degavino
Our 2017 Finalists and Adjudicators: (back row, left to right) Dominic Degavino, Hannah Roberts, Edmond Fivet, Hayley Parkes; (front row, left to right) Wyn Chan, Emily Sun, Waynne Kwon and Andrew Zolinsky
Please click below to watch the highlights from BIMC 2017 and an interview with the winner, Emily Sun.